How YOU can become a REFERRAL POWERHOUSE in 12 WEEKS OR LESS and increase your income 2x-4x with ZERO COST

Brian Peters
Founder and CEO of A record-breaking financial advisor on two continents.
What We’ll Cover In This Event…
✓ Just 2 qualified referrals from 10 of your clients can earn you $930,000 in the next 9-12 months! Learn how. You don’t need hundreds of clients to earn big. Take back control of your income, time and future.
Founder and CEO of
✓ Take Control of Your Income and Time, With Qualified Referrals
Networking, cold calling and trawling social media are obsolete, cost you money, and are a complete waste of your time.
Clients will refer you if you know how. Avoid the mistakes almost all sales people make and get Qualified referrals daily, AND in weeks and months, NOT years!
✓ How much time have you wasted over the last 3 – 5 years?
Networking, cold calling and trawling social media are obsolete, frustrating, cost you money, and are a complete waste of your time. Increase your income fast, by getting existing clients who don’t refer to start.
✓ Double, Triple and Quadruple Your Income With Your Same Sales Skills in the Next 3-6 Months, Not Years!
The key is filling your diary with a steady stream of qualified referrals week in, week out. Learn the vital parallel sales process to increase your income in months, without even having to increase your sales skills.
✓ Earn more in 12 weeks than your previous 12 months
Learn how to pick up your first $100,000 cheque in the next 3 – 6 months, double your income in 3-6 months, and target a 7-figure income in the next 12 months.
Aim to get the same results our clients currently get.
✓ Knowledge Is Power
It’s not that you CAN’T, you just don’t know HOW…. YET !
Don’t waste years learning how to get to the top 10 of your company or industry. Learn what you need to be top 10 or even number 1 in 3-6 months.
If you want a Powerful business and a Powerful income, you need to know HOW.
LEARN HOW and climb the ladder of success in 3-6 months, not years.